WHAT IS GREEN BUILDING? Is Prefabricated House Green Building?

We have been facing a climate crisis in recent years due to hundreds of reasons such as the advancement of technology, the development of industry, air pollution and global warming. Green buildings, on the other hand, are just one small step in dealing with the climate crisis. Of course, when we adapt it to urban life, this tiny step turns into a huge sustainable method. So let's see what this green building is.

What is green building?

Green building is a construction method that has little negative impact on the environment, is built on sustainable life, has low maintenance costs, and uses resources in the most efficient way possible. These structures are built to meet the highest LEED certification standards. Buildings with this certificate consume much less energy and water, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It also saves economically. Green buildings should not disrupt the resources not only inside the building but also around it. It should not harm the natural environment around it. All buildings such as hospitals, schools, residences, shopping malls and offices that meet these specifications are considered green buildings.

What are the green building features?

There are rumors in the society that it will be costly to create green buildings, but these are not true, on the contrary, green buildings save money in many ways. It reduces the lifetime cost of the building, not the instant, and significantly reduces the environmental footprint. If I need to talk about other features of green buildings, it makes the building much cooler by keeping moisture away with the vapor barrier in green buildings. In this way, it reduces the use of electrical systems such as air conditioners and reduces electricity costs. A similar situation applies to winter. In winter, on the contrary, it makes the place warmer and reduces natural gas costs considerably. It protects biodiversity and ecosystems while reducing water and energy costs. It uses renewable energy sources such as solar energy. It takes measures to ensure the reuse of materials while reducing pollution and waste. The changing environment is taken into account in its design and construction and it adapts to the changing environment. It greatly reduces the cost and increases user productivity. It increases the quality of life of the people in it and the people around it. It increases your health and comfort by thinking of you.

Prefabricated houses, steel houses and tiny houses have low maintenance costs, and there is no carcinogen in the products we use, so there is no harm to health, so prefabricated houses are green buildings.

You can reach us at +90 553 905 35 10 (whatsapp & viber) for all our prefabricated houses or steel houses.

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