Technical Specifications of Prefabricated Houses
Ideal Prefab provides the best service with its 20.000 m2 and 200 employees, produces the highest quality and safe prefab structures with its qualified engineers and architects. In this way, we can deliver the house of your dreams. You know that the biggest advantage of prefabricated houses is that they have a much shorter assembly time compared to concrete houses so you can have a prefabricated social facilities with the most affordable costs, we have more than 24 years of prefabricated and steel structure industry experience so we would like to give you the best service in the sector.
We explained which materials are used in prefab home one by one for you, You can view all of our materials below.
1 Bround Concrete
2 Under Frame
3 “H” Pole
4 Corner Pole
5 Wall Panel Outside
6 Panel With Window
7 Panel With Vent-Sash
8 Window Frame
9 PVC Window
10 Ear of Corner Pole
11 Wall Panel the Inside
12 Door Panel the Inside
13 Door Safe the Inside
14 Inside Door / MDF Lam
15 Outside Door
16 Door Safe Outside
17 Out Door Panel
18 Suspended Ceiling Gypsumbard
19 Ceiling Junction “H”
20 Wool of Glass Isalation
21 Steel Scissors
22 Head Scissors
23 Ear of Purlin
24 Fringe Sheet
25 Steel Purlin
26 PVC Streem
27 Omega of Fringe
28 Omega of Scissors
29 Galvanization Steel or Painted Galvanization Steel
30 Ridge
31 Head Scissors
32 Omega of Head Scissors
33 Descent of Stream
34 Strong “H”
34 “H” Ear
34 PVC “H” Cover
Technical Specifications ;
Ideal Prefab – If you search on the internet, it is unlikely that you will see even 1 complaint about us, even tough we’re the largest and most popular prefab structures manufacturer in Turkey. Our after-sales services are very successful !
If you have any more questions, you can contact us as soon as possible.
You can contact us on +90 553 905 35 10 for all the details. (whatsapp & viber)

Iyi aksamlar, böyle bir hazir ev alip Almanyada arsama kurmak istiyorum, sizin ürünler Almanyada Aurupa Normlarina uyuyormu, Almanyada calisdigini insaat fabbrikasi varmi yoksa isaalt mühendis varmi? Kiminle irtibabat gecmem gerek.
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Merhabalar, +90 553 905 35 10 dan bize ulaşabilirsiniz. (whatsapp & viber)